Platoon Presentation
Ла́мы (лат. Lama) — наряду с верблюдами и викуньями один из трёх родов семейства верблюдовых. Встречаются исключительно в Южной Америке. Лам и викуний иногда объединяют в группу верблюдов Нового Света, отличающихся от своих сородичей в Старом Свете отсутствием горбов и меньшим ростом. Представители рода лам достигают длины от 120 до 220 см и веса от 55 до 150 кг.
Lama is the modern genus name for two South American camelids, the wild guanaco and the domesticated llama. This genus is closely allied to the wild vicuña and domesticated alpaca of the genus Vicugna. Before the Spanish conquest of the Americas, llamas and alpacas were the only domesticated ungulates of the continent. They were kept not only for their value as beasts of burden, but also for their flesh, hides, and wool.
Lama is the modern genus name for two South American camelids, the wild guanaco and the domesticated llama. This genus is closely allied to the wild vicuña and domesticated alpaca of the genus Vicugna. Before the Spanish conquest of the Americas, llamas and alpacas were the only domesticated ungulates of the continent. They were kept not only for their value as beasts of burden, but also for their flesh, hides, and wool.
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