Platoon Presentation
ACE OF SPADES : Always on top.
KBAR & WINGS : Relentless infantry and Air.
Wreath: Team work and unity
Red center for the blood the enemy will spill.
Mics are not mandatory but highly encouraged.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* important - im going to korea so ill be on ASAP.
so dont get discouraged .
As soon as i get enough money i will be renting a 3 month server
so 141 can practice and recruit
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i eventually want to do clan battles continue to help each other.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------if you are a member of 141 all i ask for is for you to add on battle log and ps3 your fellow platoon members.............. thank you FoRsAKeN
ACE OF SPADES : Always on top.
KBAR & WINGS : Relentless infantry and Air.
Wreath: Team work and unity
Red center for the blood the enemy will spill.
Mics are not mandatory but highly encouraged.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* important - im going to korea so ill be on ASAP.
so dont get discouraged .
As soon as i get enough money i will be renting a 3 month server
so 141 can practice and recruit
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i eventually want to do clan battles continue to help each other.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------if you are a member of 141 all i ask for is for you to add on battle log and ps3 your fellow platoon members.............. thank you FoRsAKeN
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