OMGNetwork (PC)
Platoon Presentation
Older Mature Gamers Network (OMGN) offers those of us who are 30 or older a place to game with a group of like minded individuals who just want to have fun while gaming. No pressure, no requirements, just have fun.
FightNights on Thursday and Saterday.
Please visit our site to learn more and join the group!
You can also find the rules/coc there.
If you find yourself kicked because of inactivity just re-apply. We sometimes hear there was no reason, not logging in on the website or battlelog will get you kicked because this is a network. Nothing personal, and you´re very welcome back!
This platoon doubles as the BF4 platoon untill dice fixes battlelog..
We have a BF4 server up and running..
Server 1:
20 player Core CQ
Server name: [OMGN] Older Mature Gamers
So go play!!!
FightNights on Thursday and Saterday.
Please visit our site to learn more and join the group!
You can also find the rules/coc there.
If you find yourself kicked because of inactivity just re-apply. We sometimes hear there was no reason, not logging in on the website or battlelog will get you kicked because this is a network. Nothing personal, and you´re very welcome back!
This platoon doubles as the BF4 platoon untill dice fixes battlelog..
We have a BF4 server up and running..
Server 1:
20 player Core CQ
Server name: [OMGN] Older Mature Gamers
So go play!!!
Platoon feed
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