Tag: [NAEs] Fans: 5 Created: 2012-07-20

Platoon Presentation

This is were I will be posting all up comeing scrims if you wana do scrims please also apply to this sector of NAE

(NO SHOW) Prime Gameing August 4th 7pm Eastern
The tournament begins this weekend I NEED 12 PPL THERE OR WE FORFIT!!!! ( )

Sunday 8pm Eastern August 5th
Ceres asked me to set up a scrim agenst 4LYF ( ) whos in? 8vs8 or 10vs10
Angelusmortis13,-Ceres256,-CookiejamZ, -xv0lklx, -JamieHall1995, -widefx

(COMPLETED VICTORY 2-1) Sunday 8pm Eastern July 29th
Bones has asked me to set up a scrim with AoA 12 vs 12 or 8 vs 8 Whos in Angelusmortis13,-CookiejamZ,-wickchad,-JamieHall1995,-Bones,-Ceres256 ,-Joe Devastated,-TYLERSaurausReX,-Clearview456,-[HERP]AoD T Scissors5(FILLED IN)

(UNCOMPLETED LOSS 0-2) July 23rd 11pm eastern
Herpies who's in -Angelusmortis13 ,-TYLERSaurausReX, -chad123443 ,-XxCr4zyCL0wnxX ,-dado008 ,-Clearview456 .-Falcon990 ,-CookiejamZ

(COMPLETED VICTORY 4-0) July 22nd 8pm eastern
Are friends from BOFA who's in?
-Angelusmortis13 ,-TYLERSaurausReX, -Ceres256,-BONES 5448,-widefx ,-chad123443 ,-XxCr4zyCL0wnxX ,-greatwraith

(COMPLETED VICTORY 3-0) Friday July 20th 8pm eastern
we will be scriming tactical gaming. Who's in
-Ceres256 ,-Angelusmortis13 .-TYLERSaurausReX ,-Clearview456,-wickchad,-CookiejamZ ,-greatwraith .-xv0lklx(NO SHOW REPLACED BY Mr Squiggl3s)

Platoon feed

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