Platoon Presentation
-Comandos é a designação dada a uma tropa de elite pertencente à uma das forças armadas, que é altamente adestrada e qualificada a operar sob circunstâncias e ambientes impróprios ou contra-indicados ao emprego de outros elementos das forças regulares, sendo apta a cumprir uma ampla variedade de missões e tarefas, táticas ou estratégicas.
-Command is the name given to an elite squad belonging to one of the armed forces, which is highly trained and qualified to operate under circumstances and environments unsuitable or contraindicated the use of other elements of the regular forces, being able to fulfill a wide variety missions and tasks, tactical or strategic.
-Command is the name given to an elite squad belonging to one of the armed forces, which is highly trained and qualified to operate under circumstances and environments unsuitable or contraindicated the use of other elements of the regular forces, being able to fulfill a wide variety missions and tasks, tactical or strategic.
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