BF3 Operations
Platoon Presentation
Battlefield Operations is a special form of Tournament / Clan Engagement for BF3. The format of matches was originally developed by the Red Guard clan and has been used for training purposes. The modes however, are very effective for a dynamic form of Clan Battles.
Operations consist of a variety of scenarios with multiple game modes in order to test a team's ability to overcome a series of obstacles. Typically Operations are designed so that only one team can win, however both teams can lose the Operation if certain achievements are not made (such as a specific number of Rush wins, or a win on a specific map). This makes it so that even if a team loses by win/loss ratio, they still have the chance of preventing the other team from succeeding.
Current Operation Scenarios:
✪ ✪ ✪ ------------------------------------------------------------ Top Tier Operations--------------------------------------------------------- ✪ ✪ ✪
1) Last Man Standing:
--Series of Conquest + Rush Maps with a final match ending in Rush. In order to win the operation, teams must obtain a positive W/L as well win on the final Rush match. Both teams can lose this Operation.
2) The Invasion
--Series of Rush and Conquest Assault matches (even number) in a specific format designed to pit one team as "invaders" and one team as "defenders" of territories. To win, a team must obtain a positive W/L ratio. A final round of Conquest is used to break any tie (and is void if a positive Win/Loss has already been obtained).
Map Rotation:
Bazaar (Burn: Invading Team must end as Russia)
Strike at Karkand (Rush)
Sharqi (Conquest Assault)
Tehran Highway (Rush)
Wake Island (Conquest Assault)
3) Escape is Not an Option
--Series of Rush + Conquest games (5 maps, 3 Conquest + 2 Rush) where teams must obtain a specific number of wins on game modes to win. To win, a team must win at least 2 Conquest games, and one Rush.
4) Defense is the Only Option
--- Series of Conquest Assault Matches, preferably 2 rounds of the same map followed by another 2 (even total, preferably 6 matches) at 200% tickets. To win the Operation, a team must win 2/3 of matches while defending. Both teams can lose this Operation.
✪ ✪ ✪ ------------------------------------------------------------ Tactical Operations--------------------------------------------------------- ✪ ✪ ✪
1) Send in the Best
--- Series of Squad Rush matches (even number) set at a low percentage (70% or lower) where teams compete in a highly fierce, competitive atmosphere. A final round of Conquest, open for randoms, is used to break any tie.
2) Count your Men
--- Series of Rush matches (12 v 12, 5+ games, odd number) set to a very low spawn count (50% or lower). Winner must obtain a positive Win/Loss
3) Deserted
--- Series of Conquest matches on large maps with no vehicles (Infantry Mode). Odd number of matches, winner must obtain positive Win/Loss
More Scenarios will be posted.
Current Battle History:
Operations consist of a variety of scenarios with multiple game modes in order to test a team's ability to overcome a series of obstacles. Typically Operations are designed so that only one team can win, however both teams can lose the Operation if certain achievements are not made (such as a specific number of Rush wins, or a win on a specific map). This makes it so that even if a team loses by win/loss ratio, they still have the chance of preventing the other team from succeeding.
Current Operation Scenarios:
✪ ✪ ✪ ------------------------------------------------------------ Top Tier Operations--------------------------------------------------------- ✪ ✪ ✪
1) Last Man Standing:
--Series of Conquest + Rush Maps with a final match ending in Rush. In order to win the operation, teams must obtain a positive W/L as well win on the final Rush match. Both teams can lose this Operation.
2) The Invasion
--Series of Rush and Conquest Assault matches (even number) in a specific format designed to pit one team as "invaders" and one team as "defenders" of territories. To win, a team must obtain a positive W/L ratio. A final round of Conquest is used to break any tie (and is void if a positive Win/Loss has already been obtained).
Map Rotation:
Bazaar (Burn: Invading Team must end as Russia)
Strike at Karkand (Rush)
Sharqi (Conquest Assault)
Tehran Highway (Rush)
Wake Island (Conquest Assault)
3) Escape is Not an Option
--Series of Rush + Conquest games (5 maps, 3 Conquest + 2 Rush) where teams must obtain a specific number of wins on game modes to win. To win, a team must win at least 2 Conquest games, and one Rush.
4) Defense is the Only Option
--- Series of Conquest Assault Matches, preferably 2 rounds of the same map followed by another 2 (even total, preferably 6 matches) at 200% tickets. To win the Operation, a team must win 2/3 of matches while defending. Both teams can lose this Operation.
✪ ✪ ✪ ------------------------------------------------------------ Tactical Operations--------------------------------------------------------- ✪ ✪ ✪
1) Send in the Best
--- Series of Squad Rush matches (even number) set at a low percentage (70% or lower) where teams compete in a highly fierce, competitive atmosphere. A final round of Conquest, open for randoms, is used to break any tie.
2) Count your Men
--- Series of Rush matches (12 v 12, 5+ games, odd number) set to a very low spawn count (50% or lower). Winner must obtain a positive Win/Loss
3) Deserted
--- Series of Conquest matches on large maps with no vehicles (Infantry Mode). Odd number of matches, winner must obtain positive Win/Loss
More Scenarios will be posted.
Current Battle History:
Platoon feed
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