††The IMORTAL G0dz††
Tag: [TIG] Fans: 11 Created: 2012-08-14

Platoon Presentation

††The IMORTAL G0dz††

911. RULEz RULEz

Talking disrespectfully about a fellow clan member, to his face or behind his back, is not in the best interest of the clan. If you do not feel you can approach someone who is bothering you privately and respectfully, please contact an Officer for help.

Here at ††The IMORTAL G0dz†† teamwork and communication is important. To get better, you need to have an attitude willing to learn from other experienced members, and to train together at least once a month. The more you allow yourself to learn and train, the better team-player you will become when it comes to clan-wars. We value having fun and doing our best at clan-wars, and learning and training together with the clan is what allows us to connect and help each other get better.
These rules are very very simple:

1. When recruiting try not to flame or trash talk the people on you're team or the enemy (unless they flame or trash talk you first)

2. Good conduct when in clan matches & good sportsmanship

3. Respect other clan members otheerwise it lead you to being kicked out of the clan ( Reason: To Keep the clan organized and together because if you are working together and you don't like someone then we will not be able to work together real good like we should.

4. Try not to be constantly invite clan members into xbox live parties unless needed actually or just send message.

5. When in practice please do not leave for no reason unless you have to go offline( Reason: because we do not want you missing out on anything that we have set for next week.

I.) Respect Fellow Platoon Members
II.) Seek to Play with Platoon Members Whenever Possible.
III.) We are a team. Act like it.
IIII.) Violations will be assessed and dealt with by platoon leadership.

What we need are:
I. A Good Skillful Assualter
II. A Supportive Engineer
III. A Reliable Supporter
IIII.A Good Recon (Whether it's for Sniping or even Infiltrating.

Always stand as a proud TIG Member.
Take pride in the clan, attend as much events as possible.
Never talk bad about your clan.
Take pride in all clan rules - they are to be respected.
Fight with pride - even if you die, be proud you fought for TIG.
Never let anything take away your pride

Always serve for your clan, fight till the last blood.
Give your 100% at all wars and events.
Never let something take away your loyalty to TIG
Loyalty is the start of a great friendship.
TIG is like a family - stay loyal to every part of it.
Once a TIG, Always a TIG.

Always fight with honour, honour is worth more than full rune - "You can take my armour, but you can never take my honour."
Honour yourself for your service for TIG
Despite losing, always honour your efforts.
Honour is the respect for one's doings.

††The IMORTAL† †G0dz is a NEW CLAN Looking for New Member's so if you want to Join Send ME A Message. If u are not in a clan we are looking 4 new members the clan is called ††The IMORTAL G0dz††
the clan TAG is (TIG) if u are looking for 1 we are group we new and things are looking bright so hurry up and send me a message if u want 2 join or add me as a friend.. 

****The most important rule on this page. HAVE FUN AND ENJOY BEING AN TIG MEMBER! ****

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