Battlefield SithLord's
Platoon Presentation
Rank-Dark Lord
!Attention!- "John Suave" is Public enemy # 1
-Master of the Sith Empire/Army
-Apprentice Academy-
obey your master and brothers,never show fear, show no mercy to no jedi.Loyal to the sith or die like the rest of the jedi scum bags.
If you turn your back on us you will be ban/kick and number one public enemy of the SITH EMPIRE.
Five Apprentice to serve the Emperor,the Elite Sith are the ruling commanders "rising" Lord Master's of the first galactic empire.
To become "one of five" you must become a "ONE MAN ARMY"Legend that everyone will know,the one that stands out from the rest a passion for the Dardkside.
"The Darkside will rule the galaxy once more"
**--|| RANKS ||--**
-------Dark Lord-- COMMANDER
------------Sith Lord--Squad Commander
..........||SITH INNER CIRCLE||....
-------------Sith Master-------------
----------Sith Knight--Squad Leader
!Attention!- "John Suave" is Public enemy # 1
-Master of the Sith Empire/Army
-Apprentice Academy-
obey your master and brothers,never show fear, show no mercy to no jedi.Loyal to the sith or die like the rest of the jedi scum bags.
If you turn your back on us you will be ban/kick and number one public enemy of the SITH EMPIRE.
Five Apprentice to serve the Emperor,the Elite Sith are the ruling commanders "rising" Lord Master's of the first galactic empire.
To become "one of five" you must become a "ONE MAN ARMY"Legend that everyone will know,the one that stands out from the rest a passion for the Dardkside.
"The Darkside will rule the galaxy once more"
**--|| RANKS ||--**
-------Dark Lord-- COMMANDER
------------Sith Lord--Squad Commander
..........||SITH INNER CIRCLE||....
-------------Sith Master-------------
----------Sith Knight--Squad Leader
Platoon feed
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