House of Horror
Tag: [HoH] Web: Official website Fans: 31 Created: 2012-08-23

Platoon Presentation

Hello Boys and Girls,
this platoon is for all the people, who can't add me as a friend due to my full friendlist.
I am
- an Ingame Admin at
- a Streaming Game Admin at
- the holder of a streaming account at

Contact me at:
TS: or

If you are having issues on our servers, wish to report a cheater or want to tell me a wish, you can also post them on the Platoon feed.

Please do not submit any unban requests in the platoon feed or battlelog forums, because the battlelog moderators can arbitrarily remove or edit them and because noninvolved players can troll you. Unban requests will only be considered when they are posted in a thread in the forums at

Good players are being rewarded with cookies :D

And I will execute great vengeance upon them with furious rebukes; and they shall know that I am the KING OF COOKIES, when I shall lay my vengeance upon them. -Ezekiel 25,17-

Platoon feed

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