The Manasseh Coalition
Platoon Presentation
The Manasseh Coalition are descendents from Judea or what is now Isreal. This tribe is one of 12, and after the Assyrian takeover they fled to modern day England. Manasseh has spred it's blood line from Isreal to England, U.S, Canada, and the Imperal Candela Empire which has gone into hiding. Now united under a single Banner they will fight the "Beast" led by the EU and Holy Roman Empire (the Catholic church). In TMC is the USSCOM, JSOC, UKSF, CANSFOCOM, ICSWCOM, and the Isreali Sayeret. Togather the Distant brothers of Manasseh will battle against hordes of the EU and the Popes Grand Army.
- For further information please contact XFearlessLeaderX
- For further information please contact XFearlessLeaderX
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