Tag: [IMRT] Fans: 10 Created: 2012-09-01

Platoon Presentation

This is a platoon for all classes, to join you must have a good kill to death ratio and be a team player!. Feel free to apply :)

The people in this platoon have stood out to me In game.

Too often people playing as:

Assault wont revive or heal teammates.

Support wont drop ammo or supress the enemy effectivley.

Engineers will fire smaws/rpg's at people not vehicles.

Recon wont spot, or get behind enemy lines and drop a spawn beacon.

Everybody in this platoon plays the classes as they should be played I know this because ive seen it.

We play Battlefield how it should be played.

If you have been invited to this platoon its because a member believes you are a good player who is a valuable part of team. If you are invited by me personally (RuntyChimp) you will become a leader straight away. We are looking for the best players of the four classes to come together in one platoon.

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