CL1P Clan
Platoon Presentation
We welcome you to the CL1P Clan
play against other clan memebers to get better
We will accept low levels but dont expect to play alot in clan battles
We will have an Infantry divison, Tank division, Air divison, and A Spec unit to capture objectives.
FOUNDER Gamertag; lord of hunting
CO FOUNDER; gunslingersam27 ( he is using a different acount because his profile is messed up right now)
so contact me on xbox live at lord of hunting or email me at hhunter28@yahoo.com
play against other clan memebers to get better
We will accept low levels but dont expect to play alot in clan battles
We will have an Infantry divison, Tank division, Air divison, and A Spec unit to capture objectives.
FOUNDER Gamertag; lord of hunting
CO FOUNDER; gunslingersam27 ( he is using a different acount because his profile is messed up right now)
so contact me on xbox live at lord of hunting or email me at hhunter28@yahoo.com
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