Nubs,Scrubs, n' Shrimp
Tag: [nsns] Fans: 6 Created: 2012-09-18

Platoon Presentation

:: We are Nubs,Scrubs, n' Shrimp. Enjoy these brief descriptions of each of our great and talented members. ::

ShinraSOLDIER77 (Neo)- The most elite and powerful Colonel 100 EVER. If you see him, you should just play dead. As [nsns] Founder, the late Kim Jong-il himself would refer to Neo as "Dear Leader". It's true. I was there.

LudwgVonMustche (Rob)- Just plain sexy. He's pretty good at BF3, too. I'd let him do me, to be honest. In every hole. All of them. Every single one. Take me! Ahem.. He uses "man guns" and looks good doing it, too.

Im Good Revits (Brandon)- A dangerous ally; Just ten minutes of listening to him complain about lag and vocally assert his every move, Revits effectively makes the enemy WANT to die, putting us at a huge advantage.

GuardianWolf189 (Stan the Man/smiller189)- Shhh! Be very, very quiet. He's hunting noobs! He will not only tag you, but he will also bag you. Stay out of his "kill circle", if you know what's good for you.

MissMadMoxxi (Jalyn)- This beautiful goddess of war is the gift to your platoon. Sex appeal, brains, not to mention that she's completely hilarious and GREAT at BF3. Her skills are fueled by Sunny Delight.

DarkScorpi0n (Kevin)- P E N D I N G

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