SA Special Forces
Platoon Presentation
I will never absent from any challenge
I will go where others dread to go
I will do what others cannot do
I will face anything, and thrive
Nothing will stop me, only death
And even this will be temporary
As I will re-spawn and continue the battle
I will never abandon my platoon, no matter the cost
I will play the full role of recon, engineer, assault, support
For those who will take a bullet for me, I will avenge their temporary death
This is my word of honour……….. Hooah!
I will go where others dread to go
I will do what others cannot do
I will face anything, and thrive
Nothing will stop me, only death
And even this will be temporary
As I will re-spawn and continue the battle
I will never abandon my platoon, no matter the cost
I will play the full role of recon, engineer, assault, support
For those who will take a bullet for me, I will avenge their temporary death
This is my word of honour……….. Hooah!
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