SiC Elites
Tag: [SiCE] Web: Official website Fans: 6 Created: 2012-11-08

Platoon Presentation

[SiCE] SiC Elites is the Elite platoon of Specialists in Combat clan.

Here Members are divided into different squads. They battle against other clans. And do what they can to ensure our clan emerges victorious!!

Requirements to join:
1. Active Player.
2. Teamplayer with mic.
3. Colonel Rank.
4. A Positive Kill/Death Ratio.

New SiCE will use an altered SiCE tag (SiCR) for one week.

Want to bring a friend in to SiCE?
Players wishing to join must apply, and he/she will be assesed by a SiCE Leader. The Leader will assess applicants by battlelog review and ensuring the applicant meets the basic Elite requirements.

If accepted your clan tag is to be changed to SiCR for ONE WEEK. After which you can change it to SiCE.

There will be select squads competing in battles. The more squads we have, the more battles we can host/compete in simultaneously.

SiCE will need reserve players that are “All-Around” and adapt to a squads play style if needed to fill a spot for a match.

Members that join and become ''HIGHLY' inactive, they will be moved to SiC Elites reserve.

Clan battles soon to be confirmed.

Elites - ASSEMBLE!!

Platoon feed

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