Strigon Squadron
Tag: [SGSD] Fans: 4 Created: 2012-11-24

Platoon Presentation

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ STRIGON SQUADRON //////////////////// (9th Tactical Fighter Squadron)

Platoons tag (SGSD)
Welcome to the Strigon Squadron.
There's a spot for the top 10 pilots. The top 10 best jet pilots will be the platoon leaders.
In the battlefield air supremacy it's crucial to win.
Air warfare rule:
In the air it's kill or be killed and having a good squadron or wing man its one of the things you will need for success.

Air Superiority survival tips:

-Don't get caught in massive dog fights, that its a deafth sentence (hider you crash against other planes or get shot by heat seekers).

-NEVER chase an enemy if you see a friendly jet on him (you will probably crash against your team mate and stealing kills is noob ).

-If you see a team mate in trouble try to help him, he might just save your life later and (unless another teammate it's already helping ).

-If your chasing an enemy and you start getting looked, break and evade, its not worfit (the team depends in everyone's survival).

-Dont use heat seekers if your very close to the enemy, change to your gun instead (the heat seekers are not very effective in close range).

-Keep in mind that the canon its more effective than missiles for air combat (the jets gun it's much more reliable than heat seekers).

-If you start getting looked too frequently drop your counter mergers and try to fly has low has you can (guet to the closest friendly flag has fast as you can for safety).

-Pick your fights carefully, go for the more isolated enemies (you have more chances to get the kill if your enemy it's alone).

-If your disabled don't give up just yet, you can still try to capture a flag or killing an enemy with heat seekers (every second you're in the air counts).

-If your capturing a flag, make sure there are no enemies around you (dont fly in a straight line for too long if your capturing a flag ).

These tricks are crucial in air superiority.
Remember fly smart, fight hard. See you in the battlefield pilot.

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