Special Air Service
Tag: [SAS] Fans: 2 Created: 2012-11-24

Platoon Presentation

Special Air Service, based on tactics, and urban ops.

The SAS is THE special forces regiment on which all others are based. Few are tough enough to pass selection, but what does it take to survive once you make it into the Special Air Service?

What it takes to get in:
-Team work
-Hard Routine
-Obey the orders & carry them out to a T
-must be 15 (unless your mature)

What we offer:
-Real tactics used by the SAS
-We play as realistically as possible, making team work a must.
-Ranks are given based on xour abilities to work as a team.
-Amazing nice people who are here to help

What we do an how/why we do it:
-We are different then most platoons.
-We four basic squads:
*Air Troop: They are able to parachute behind enemy lines anywhere to set up an Observation post (OP) or attack if need be.
Boat Troop: inserts troops via boat. (no way :o)
Mountain Troop: Sets up OPs in the mountains, or may destroy an enemy OP, and/or support with motar fire if need be.
Mobility Troop: Uses jeeps to attack hard and fast against tanks and other jeeps and objectives.
-We also have sniper teams ready. As part of the sniper team you NEVER WORK ALONE, you will always have one spotter & one sniper.
-As a transport person your job is simple transport troops return to base wait til your needed again, seems boring, but just think even if you didn't fire a shot you helped the team. So transport people should treat it seriously yes the helicopter or jeep will respwan (though if the server allows i'll make so its one, once lost done) but treat it as if it didn't.
-Tank/Jets same thing. But jets/attk helis. don't go strifing up a place wait for orders unless you see a threat that is worth it.
-If you dont like all that your welcome to join with intelligence gathering by the i mean not even being in the game, just looking at an image of a map & the game mode, maybe even go as far as save it then going into paint to draw up battle plans. (nope, i'm not kidding)

We're not taking the fun away. We're just giving hope to team work, which is dead to most.

All we ask of you is:
-be kind to others
-work as a team
-follow orders
-know your role and what part you play

The SAS is tough, but once your through it you'll be proud.

So if your interested see me or Gen. mirandas1105 or if you have questions ask.

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