Platoon Presentation
This portion under here was created originally created by JEDI ALCHEMIST. Which I much agree with him on all points, and I myself have found tips/pointers from within this text that have helped me improve my gameplay.
Are you sick and tired of all the elite jet pilots shooting you down and treating you like garbage? When you ask them questions do they simply reply "dude, like, just practice"? If not then stop reading now and click that back button. If yes then you know that most jet pilots are selfish pricks never passing along the knowledge they have in their possession in regards to using their instrument, the jet. Imagine how many musicians we as a people would have missed out on if no one taught the guitar or piano? That sounds like it would've been a pretty lame world to me. It is for this reason among others that I have made this tutorial on the jet, Please make sure that you practice and master this stuff so i have not wasted my time typing all this into the Project ACES description. Finally I ask that people give me credit for the things they learn here...and please don't troll me after learning and or mastering this stuff, the battlefield needs more ACES so please be respectful to me for doing what no other pilot will.
First off the is the cockpit. The speed is in the top left, the altitude is in the top right, and the g-forces are in the bottom left.
Next is the Optimum maneuvering speed which is in the range of 310-315, However the "sweet spots" are 312 and 313. It is important to note that the jet will attempt to maintain cruising speed in the 340s at all times. This means that even without any input from the pilot, the jet will speed up to around 330s and 340s < This is Bad.
Having said that you need to become efficient at "tap braking" simply meaning that you tap the bake when flying horizontally in such a way that you speed is maintained in the 310-315 range as you counter the jets natural acceleration. http://tinyurl.com/9dpnupo
Speed management is crucial. You need to be aware how your jet is being affected by gravity at all times to master your speed control. Going up = increase speed (afterburner). Going down = decrease speed (brake).
Remember to factor in how long your going to be fighting gravity, and in what way, in your maneuvers. Some maneuvers require less acceleration to fight gravity and less braking as well, such as the diagonal loop.
Horizontal turns. These are best when gaining slight altitude consistently throughout your "circle jerk". When sustaining altitude in a circle jerk your jet will only experience 9.6-10 g-forces or "G's" while when consistently gaining altitude in your circle jerk your jet will experience 10-10.4 G's, a big difference.
Looping and timing. When looping imagine your plane is going around a clock clockwise. When coming down from your loop to start your next one hold the throttle down (not the afterburner) starting at 5:30 - 5:45 going clockwise on a clock, so basically just before your jet has leveled out you want to start accelerating into your next loop and hold the throttle down until you reach about 11:30 - 12:00. While doing this you want to tap the afterburner on and off the first time being at 9:00 exactly (when your jet is at a 90 degree angle towards the sky) and tap it back off just after, The second afterburner comes in at about 11:30 and is off by 12:00 where shortly after you will begin tap braking to maintain your speed in a descent. This "5:30 acceleration" as i call it, is a timing mechanism that applies to every single descent into an ascent your jet encounters. Doing all this correctly will allow you to experience 11 G's Plus in you loops and maneuvers. I'd recommend using the brake to turn your afterburner off, that way it always goes off when you want it to. Having said all this please understand that pure G's are nothing without proper speed control and vice versa. Having one without the other is not ideal so if every time you get high G's you lose your speed and you can seem to fix it or maybe your not consistent enough then it's better to focus on your speeds. But like I said, you want both and if this timing mechanism isn't working out for you then just find whatever works for you to maintain your speeds at a consistent 310-315. Keeping trying different methods of speed control until you get the best result for yourself.
Switches. Switches are quick changes in direction that your jet makes in an attempt to shake your opponent a little if not completely lose them. These are best done with ECM jammer and while the jammer may leave a trail of smoke to follow they may not have seen your switch in time due to the smoke giving you more breathing room and giving them less time with line of sight on your jet, This opens new possibilities for you to pull more effective switches when out of your opponents line of sight. Study the radar and see when your opponent is heading one way so that you can turn into them and break line of sight even faster leaving you free to so much as jam again and be unpredictable for a few seconds. Lastly make sure your switches are quick and decisive. Don't make any unnecessary forward progress allowing your opponent to line back up with your rear and regain angles on you as this will get you killed fast.
The Rolling Scissors. Scissors are basically consistent, somewhat wide, barrel rolls that minimize your forward progress and are very hard to follow with consistent speed making them the favorite defensive maneuver of pilots everywhere. They harder to explain so I'll instead link a video. http://tinyurl.com/9dsk3dv
Although not shown in this video the input of yaw towards the sky is a superb addition to your scissors (so when scissoring to the right you would hold your yaw to the left as well,and vice versa). {ask to practice these with me)
Yaw. Using yaw is one of the most important things a pilot must master. When turning right try yawing to the right so that the turn is sliding itself toward the ground and your opponent thus changing your angle and altitude from that of your opponents. Doing this will force your opponent to deliberately change his angle and altitude to match yours and thus they will have lost crucial ground on you in doing so, assuming of course that you both maintained your speeds. Basically people yawing into their turns can easily out maneuver those who are not, but you gotta be smart with it. Yaw also allows you to increase or more importantly DECREASE the size of you loop. Yawing toward the ground from 9 to 3 O'clock and yawing toward the sky from 3 to 9 O'clock (going clockwise of course) will substantially decrease the size of your loop allowing you to gain crucial ground on your opponent then allowing you to use the to either gain or lose altitude to give yourself a better angle on your opponent. Using yaw towards the ground in horizontal turns is the most effective way of gaining slight altitude to achieve the 10-10.4 G's I talked about earlier. Yawing one direction when descending from your loop and switching your yaw to the opposite side at the 5:30 acceleration and proceeding to do a proper loop will get you into the high 11 G's to the 13 G Range (It's hard and takes practice but it's worth it.) Lastly when horizontally turning while slightly decreasing altitude and yawing toward the sky you can then, along with the 5:30 acceleration, begin gaining altitude and then, in conjunction with a 180 degree switch, switch the yaw to the other side to continue pointing it toward the sky to pull up to, as far as I've seen almost a half dozen times, 14.5 G's with 13's and frequent High 12's and an almost guaranteed high 11 G at least. I Yawing can effect your speeds differently from normal so it can be hard to master speed control while yawing. Some good use of yaw can be seen in these dogfights. http://tinyurl.com/9epbwyp http://tinyurl.com/8acb8w4
ECM Jammer. The ecm jammer takes you off radar for five seconds, breaks lock-on's, and deflects incoming enemy heat-seekers and stinger/igla fire when time correctly so that the missiles pass through the chaff clouds and explode. So if an enemy launches a missile at your just afterburn away until you get your jammer back and time it right and no missile will hit you again. No matter what your doing if your opponent jams wait a second and then jam as well, never let them be invisible whilst your visible to them because then your just asking to be out maneuvered. Often times when an opponent jams they are attempting to completely out maneuver you, this break their line of sight on you and allows you to jam just after and switch directions in many cases restarting the fight and rarely putting you behind your enemy.
Out maneuvering your opponent. For straight loops try jamming and using diagonal loops to follow or just do a circle with ecm as your opponent starts their next loop. For Circle jerking you can attempt to gain altitude and come down on top of them (while circling or just jamming and looping up) simply breaking off and going high with jammer work too but i prefer to do a diagonal loop in the opposite direction of te circle and come right on top of their ass. http://tinyurl.com/8u3tmyo With scissors You can simply follow your opponent up and when they turn to go back down just jam and continue into a diagonal loop giving you distance and many good angles. Yaw helps with a lot of out maneuvering your opponent so practice the hell out of your yaw capability. Lastly there is the art of prediction, but the only one person who can teach you that is yourself through experience. Don't be afraid to turn negativley when you think it my give you a better angle on your opponent, or if you simply want them to pass in front of you, don't count on it solely but don't disregard it either.
Below radar. It keeps you off of radar when flying extremely close to the ground and prevents enemy air vehicles from doing jack to you with their air to air weapons.
Always fight to your advantage and your strengths. If your opponent can't beat or counter your best ability then all that says is that he has practice to do, and of course that you won.
Killing. Practice the crap out of the jet cannon, challenge your self to disable the enemy jet at range even if that means he'll have more time to bail. The better you are with your jets cannon you are, the more damage you'll be able to dish out in dogfight when you only have a slight window of opportunity. Shoot in third person and don't be afraid to spray. Practice the crap out of rocket pods and the guided missile so that you are proficient with both. Hold the brake when spotting targets and going in for strafing runs and then speed out of there to maximize the amount of runs you can do on your targets(don't get greedy for a double kill and crash). Lastly, tell your teammates everything you see from up there as information wins wars.
Unpredictability: This is obviously important but I'm talking about using negative turning to shake opponents, this can work extremely well in conjunction with ecm. However understand that these also need to be quick and decisive and give more forward progress than regular switches giving your opponent more time to re-align with your tail. These moves can work more on some than others and also may yield more success when your opponent is tailing you very closely. An example of an unpredictable move would be what is known as a "Dillon". It is when you ecm jam and fly straight while spiraling positively or negatively, usually upwards or downwards and slam on the brakes to bleed speed and allow your opponent to overshoot you giving you the advantage or simply having him lose his. These moves should only be attempted when you've got nothing else left and are about to get shot down. Unpredictability is also invaluable when flying head on at someone. http://tinyurl.com/9pqv7g3
Controls. I'd recommend using a default or southpaw control scheme over the legacy options simply due to the increased ability to yaw your aircraft. However, having said that if you can't roll and pitch your aircraft in a default or southpaw setting, but you used to be able to, then the problem is likely the controller not you. It is my opinion that legacy controls should only be used by those that have old controllers that cannot work with the default or southpaw settings. Lastly I'd recommend changing your buttons to lefty, or whatever scheme that would allow you to better fire your cannon and brake at the same time.
Hornet vs Flanker: Is one better than the other? Yes, the Hornet is better than the Flanker in bf3 but only ever so slightly. By my tests i averaged somewhere in the ballpark of .1 or so more G's in a hornet than the flanker, an almost inconsequential difference. However try to argue that difference not mattering after your opponents been pulling .1 more G's on average than you, due to no fault of your own, for 5 minutes straight. The technical stuff aside just practice more in the flanker than in the hornet and you'll love the results.
The battlefield needs more angles dancing in the sky.
PILOTS! Make sure you understand the RULES and how to submit a match result before playing.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!----------->THE SYSTEM<------------!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Important! You can only challenge the same pilot every 3 days, which means you have to play versus different pilots during that interval.
You can only challenge the person above or below your name.
* Default fly-by start.
* First pilot to die loses the round.
* If both players collide, but one pilot kills the other, NO score is given, the fight is a re-go.
* If a player crashes into the ground, the opponent who is still in the air gets 1 kill count.
* If a player stalls, the match must go on.
* If a player disconnects from any reason, the opponent who is still online gets 1 kill count.
* If a player has to leave before the match is over, the match is a default win.
* All perks allowed, can be changed with both pilots agreement; in this case of agreement, it must be showed to an admin with a screenshot of the in-game chat.
* If a player can not attend to his match, he has to let one of the administrators know - BEFORE THE MATCH.
* A player must accept his challenge in 3 days
1. Onizuka1992
2. M40A5_Headshot
3. xDownfallx
4. AlteHasen83
5. causticfeaver
Top 5 Total Jet Kills Leaderboard
1.xDownfallx420x - 10,351 kills, 326 in the world.
2.Onizuka1992 - 2,413 kills
3.M40A5 Headshot - 1,349 kills
4.Fire Eagel FTP - 410 kills
5.CausticFever - 254 kills
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