noUI - NoUserInterface
Tag: [noUI] Fans: 8 Created: 2012-12-12

Platoon Presentation

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Welcome to No UI~~~~~~~~~~~~

This Platoon is created for adult gamers who want a bit more action in-game with no HUD.

VoIP is vital for superb teamwork, but not needed IF you use your commo rose properly and stay close to your squad!

Wear same camos to find your squad members faster. Only spawn on your SL, and stay with him at all times!

Use Q to spot before firing if you are uncertain who's who. Also confirm your target with your SL before opening fire and risking the revealing of your squad's position.

- It does not take long till you have figured out that RU has slightly lighter skin tones and darker uniforms. While US has light,beige camos and darker skin color. Weapons can also be distinguished from one another.

- It is just a game. But for many players that played mods like Project Reality, and other warfare simulation games, wants the experience to be similar to what they played before the release of Battlefield 3.

"I have played many hours with user interface disabled and I enjoy it very much, as if the game is reborn!
- The fight is way more intense. You HAVE to take it slow and cover each corner, scanning 360 degrees at all times. And the most giving with No UI is when you see your bullets hit instead of that hit marker. You can also see where you hit your target, and how they fall over. Authentic animation is the only thing that's close to perfect in this game, so why not experience it..?" - Crackadoodle.


Basic tactics that should be used at all times:

At start of a new round have UI enabled.
Customize your gear and camo before disabling UI.

Line formation(from back to front:
- Squad leader, Medic, Engineer(or recon) and HMG.

Moving from point A to point B:

- HMG and Engineer gives covering fire while rest of the SQ moves to point B.

- If the SQ has recon and a medic with smoke grenades, then they could also provide covering fire when 2 members(minimum) go for point B.

Reviving and Re-grouping:

Regrouping should take place at main, SL or a descending flag.

- Reviving should only occur when someone is KIA behind defensive perimeters!

- A medic that rushes blindly to a fallen soldier in a hot zone with no regard of enemy fire HAS to be equipped with smoke, and have covering fire from rest of the squad.
If not wait for fallen squad member to re-spawn on Squad Leader.

- After being revived you can prone/crouch backwards to safety.

- Remember to ask your SL what is needed in the squad before spawning.

- If there are more than 1 squad working together - SL's must stay together OR spread out on each flank - having communication at all times. Other SQ members should commence radio silence while SL's converse!

- And a final thing, we don't use sprint unless it's a huge map, and we need it to get over a vast area fast.
This is not CoD.
If you have any thoughts on tactics or strategic team-play you are welcome to share them
with your Platoon on the Wall.
Most played server with the following rules:

Projekt BF3 server:

- Votemap
- Slow vehicle respawn,
- NO minimap,
- 2 snipers per team
- NO Hi-roofing(paradrop onto where you can not enter from ground).

Projekt BF3 TS3: ( Battlefield Channel 1 & 2 )
((create group chat with voice is also possible if TS is not available))

To disable/enable HUD: UI.drawenable false/true

If this turn out to be a success, we can rent a server and have HUD off. Mumble voip is also strongly considered.

Platoon feed

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