Platoon Presentation
.......................................................................................... As the crash of salivation's doors splintering rung in their ears. They knew they could not surrender for they were more than men they were the personification of an ideal. having tread the dangerous path - bordering on the the insane- this divine paht would lead them to enlightment and allow them to shed the bonds of the everyday pushing them into a state of godliness beyond the reach of the regular man. However this is all they had been regular simply becoming extraordinary via the circumstances pressed upon them. The mind warping into perfection! Insanity!
.......................................................................................... As the crash of salivation's doors splintering rung in their ears. They knew they could not surrender for they were more than men they were the personification of an ideal. having tread the dangerous path - bordering on the the insane- this divine paht would lead them to enlightment and allow them to shed the bonds of the everyday pushing them into a state of godliness beyond the reach of the regular man. However this is all they had been regular simply becoming extraordinary via the circumstances pressed upon them. The mind warping into perfection! Insanity!
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