Platoon Presentation
Die Geschichte über die dreibeinigen Herrscher spielt in einer postapokalyptischen Welt, in der die meisten Menschen ausgelöscht und die größten Städte nur noch verwüstete Ruinen sind. Die Menschen werden von einer außerirdischen Zivilisation beherrscht, die sie nur als die Dreibeiner bezeichnen, von denen meist jedoch nur die gigantischen, dreibeinigen Maschinen zu sehen sind, mit denen diese den ganzen Planeten kontrollieren.
Denkt nach, wenn ihr frei sein wollt!
Platoon für alle, die eher aufrecht sterben würden, als auf den Knien zu leben!
The story of The Tripods is a variation on post-apocalyptic literature. Humanity has been conquered and enslaved by "the tripods", unseen alien entities (later identified as "Masters") who travel about in gigantic three-legged walking machines. Human society is largely pastoral, with few habitations larger than villages, and what little industry exists is conducted under the watchful presence of the tripods. Lifestyle is reminiscent of the Middle Ages, but artifacts from later ages are still used, giving individuals and homes an anachronistic appearance.
Humans are controlled from the age of 14 by implants called "caps", which suppress curiosity and creativity and leave the recipient placid and docile, incapable of dissent. People who are capped are happy to leave home and serve the tripods. The caps cause them to follow the tripods will. Some people, whose minds are broken (instead of successfully being controlled) under the pressure of the cap's hypnotic power become vagrants, who wander the countryside.
Join TRIPODS if you`d rather die on your feet - than live on your knees!!
Denkt nach, wenn ihr frei sein wollt!
Platoon für alle, die eher aufrecht sterben würden, als auf den Knien zu leben!
The story of The Tripods is a variation on post-apocalyptic literature. Humanity has been conquered and enslaved by "the tripods", unseen alien entities (later identified as "Masters") who travel about in gigantic three-legged walking machines. Human society is largely pastoral, with few habitations larger than villages, and what little industry exists is conducted under the watchful presence of the tripods. Lifestyle is reminiscent of the Middle Ages, but artifacts from later ages are still used, giving individuals and homes an anachronistic appearance.
Humans are controlled from the age of 14 by implants called "caps", which suppress curiosity and creativity and leave the recipient placid and docile, incapable of dissent. People who are capped are happy to leave home and serve the tripods. The caps cause them to follow the tripods will. Some people, whose minds are broken (instead of successfully being controlled) under the pressure of the cap's hypnotic power become vagrants, who wander the countryside.
Join TRIPODS if you`d rather die on your feet - than live on your knees!!
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