God's Left Hand
Tag: [GLH] Web: Official website Fans: 9 Created: 2013-01-11

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GLH Clan Leader: Phinfan1972
Server: God's Left Hand - Southern US

Welcome and thank you for your interest. God's Left Hand or GLH is a mature gaming clan that enjoys all facets of gaming, It's members are both national and international, we enjoy getting to know all peoples in all nations. Our primary venue is PS3. GLH started in late 2009 with a few members while playing a game called MAG, an awesome multiplayer FPS. Over the years GLH has grown and reformed a number of times. Currently the primary games played are BF3 and FarCry3. Also some players are playing Assassin's Creed 3 and always in the background is Gran Turismo5, Fallout and Skyrim. We are looking forward to some new games coming out this year to include DUST514, BF3: End Game, and others.

We are looking for individuals that are team orientated, adult minded, communicators and looking to just have fun. If you are worried about your stats more than your clanmate, you probably won't enjoy your game with us. If you are looking for a group to play with and NOT looking for drama and 'Ghetto', you've found your home. Leave a msg on our forum and one of the officers will be in touch as soon as possible. We look forward to meeting and playing games with you. Good luck and good gaming!

GLH membership is by invitation only. Play with us to join.

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