Tag: [12v1] Web: Official website Fans: 6 Created: 2013-01-17

Platoon Presentation

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Aggressive or warlike behavior.

bellicosity - belligerency - militancy

Not exactly ignorant, but definitely quarrelsome.
Not exactly mad, but definitely militant.
Not exactly angry, but definitely feisty.

Prerequisites: You must possess an aura of war about your play-style. Some may be confused when I say this but let me explain. When playing against another team they should be saying on their mics "Oh f*$@ (Insert your soldier's name here) is in the area, be on your guard" because they know if they don't pay attention their entire squad will be transformed into nothing but a pile of digital dicks in the dirt.

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
..............\.............\... Casually sticking it where the sun does not shine. Repeatedly.


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