Dont Shoot I Give Up 2
Platoon Presentation
Don't Shoot I Give Up, those are the words of our enemy's in every game we play. Were a clan that started in 2009 in counterstrike and have branched out into other games and has now become a home and community. You can still find us on steam too just follow the link below. Were all about having fun no matter what and when someone fucks with one of us...they fuck with all of us. Were a family and if you're here, you are too... welcome home to the last clan you'll ever need to join. You can join our Bf-3 family by clicking the official website link above and filling out the application. Ladies we also have an all girls platoon who's mission is to make the boy cry run by my lovely girlfriend, TaNk-GiRl who's also in charge of the main platoon so be sure to check them out. To find and play other games with the rest of our cool family follow click on the main community link. Some of the other games we play are C.S.S, W.O.W, Minecraft, League of legends, L4D 1 and 2, Garys mod, Team fortress 2, Brink and many more on steam so feel free to follow that link as well. Were looking for good people of all ages, sexes, color's and life preferences from everywhere around the world.
STEAM SITE http://steamcommunity.com/groups/DSIGU
ANGELS OF DEATH website http://angels-of-death.guildlaunch.com/forums/index.php?gid=275184
ANGELS OF DEATH battlelog http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/platoon/2832655391713006803/
BF3 servers coming soon!!
Play MOHW ? We will have a server coming soon but join our platoon now at
Be sure to join our website for a full list of our servers in other games.
Also if our emblem looks like it was built with the bf3 generator get better battle log for better options at http://getbblog.com/en/
STEAM SITE http://steamcommunity.com/groups/DSIGU
ANGELS OF DEATH website http://angels-of-death.guildlaunch.com/forums/index.php?gid=275184
ANGELS OF DEATH battlelog http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/platoon/2832655391713006803/
BF3 servers coming soon!!
Play MOHW ? We will have a server coming soon but join our platoon now at
Be sure to join our website for a full list of our servers in other games.
Also if our emblem looks like it was built with the bf3 generator get better battle log for better options at http://getbblog.com/en/
Platoon feed
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