Platoon Presentation
We are the unit that uses the m249 SAW as much as we can (hint the name). Yes, we do let girls in to the platoon. We are building the unit from the ground up. We let all ranks into the unit. If you get caught using mods at all you will be kicked from it and if you span rape you will be kick from this unit! We have a server for all members to play on but, we use it to get what each member jobs will be and that means we will tell you what classes you can run as and with what perks you use. This is not to belittle anyone! We just need to be the best! So, we can enter events. If you have anything you want to ask or that you see that needs to be changed, please message myself (srchiefninja) or my Executive Officer (hoesickle13). When we play as the U.S., we all will have the DEFALT or WOODLAND cammys on, and when we play as R.U. we all will have BLACK cammys on. If you don’t have the black, do to you rank on the game, you will use the RANGER for both. We must look alike and move as a team! No matter what you think we need to do there is us and we in the team, no I. If you can’t not move as a team and work as a team you will be relieved of your duty! If you are in the unit please put unit tag on! The chain of command is as follows; Commanding Officer: srchiefninja, Executive Officer: hoesickle13, Tank Command: Xanthi007, Ground Command: Charmanherp, Sniper Command: SAAF x Twisty, Air Command: Matty doopla.
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