Int'l Burgle Advocates
Tag: [IBA] Fans: 13 Created: 2013-02-14

Platoon Presentation

International Burgle Advocates Introduction

We are advocates who fear not the hand of reprimand or the hammer of "swift justice", for WE are the hands who feed ourselves - not those who lay the foundation for the burgle-less society we call our own today.

The system is corrupt, trying to burgle OUR right to burgle, hoping that the sort of "burgle-matrix" that they have created as a result of their ignorant actions will cause our "simple minds", as they say, to become misguided. This is a grave mistake on their part, and our sole goal as the International Burgle Advocates is to bring that corruption onto the forefront of society, thus creating an environment in which the right to burgle is unequivocal (whether this is obtained through legitimate means or burgled is inconsequential) and unwavering; a right that will not be infringed without immediate consequences from the members of the IBA.

As a member of the IBA, you must ask yourself and your peers a question: Do you even burgle?

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