5th Marine Regiment
Platoon Presentation
Hello i'm xxTOASTER86xx i'm the founder and the head leader of 5th Marine Regiment. Here in 5th Mar. Reg. we are about having fun and hanging out with friends. We really wont judge you on your K/D or SPM. We don't want to be one of those plt that has practices or plt battles. We just want to have fun. We have only a couple rules.
Absolutely No Team Killing. (Accidents do happen)
Be aware of other teammates and their intentions. (making sure your actions wont get another teammate killed)
But most of all JUST HAVE FUN.
We now also have expanded the plt to PS3 with xGHOSTRIDER28x(ProRider28-PS3) having creative control over it.
If you have any questions or would like to join message xxTOASTER86xx, XxBeefxxStewxX, or xGHOSTRIDER28x(PS3 people message ProRider28)
Absolutely No Team Killing. (Accidents do happen)
Be aware of other teammates and their intentions. (making sure your actions wont get another teammate killed)
But most of all JUST HAVE FUN.
We now also have expanded the plt to PS3 with xGHOSTRIDER28x(ProRider28-PS3) having creative control over it.
If you have any questions or would like to join message xxTOASTER86xx, XxBeefxxStewxX, or xGHOSTRIDER28x(PS3 people message ProRider28)
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