3rd Marine Division
Platoon Presentation
Thank you for your interest in 3rd Marine division Here at 3MD OUR platoon operates like a real military unit i.e we use tatics and stragey to secure points and win the fight rather then haveing every one do there own thing we will have a small group of well-rounded and respectful leaders instead of one single leader. We are all here to play fight hard and win 3MD is both a competitive and casual based platoon. We will host clan battles, special events, and most importantly we are very active Our biggest requirement as one of our members is for you to be mature, act like yourself, and become comfortable with everyone in the platoon TO APPLY YOU MUST ANSWER QUESTIONS ALL ANSWERS TO QUESTION WILL BE SUBMITED TO o DOiiN WORK o via xbox live: 1.age 2.location 3.do you have a mic 4.current bf3 rank 5.how good do you think you are 6.how involved are you willing to get with the platoon 7.any other info you think we should know feel free to share it
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