British Tactical Force
Platoon Presentation
British tactical Force is a friendly online gaming community that play on Battlefield and play all different game modes and maps which some members are Premium players which are of Colonel Rank. British Tactical Force have a platoon on Battlelog which can be found by searching for (British Tactical Force) where poeple can see our current members and also apply to join us. All British Tactical Force memeber have [BTF] clan tag at the start of their gamertag so you can see if any of our members are active on one of our online gaming servers.
Clan Leader - EvilManicBoss
Clan Co-Leader - (Open)
Division General - (Open)
Division Leader - xXLXPXx
Clan Leader - EvilManicBoss
Clan Co-Leader - (Open)
Division General - (Open)
Division Leader - xXLXPXx
Platoon feed
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