LogicalRadio Gaming
Tag: [LRG] Web: Official website Fans: 2 Created: 2013-04-01

Platoon Presentation


We will be hosting a battlefield 3 server pretty sooN!


www.LogicalRadio.co.uk is a Music Internet Gaming Radio Station, Streaming Non-Stop Music online for free 24/7 ♫ ( Fully Licensed Radio to Stream Music )

We broadcast 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with a great mixture of live Presenters from around the world and our awesome AutoDJ.♫

Join us on Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/LogicalRadio
Join us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/logicalradio
Join us on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/logicalradiouk

Chat Room: http://logicalradio.co.uk/chat.php
Teamspeak: ts.logicalradio.info


Extreme Evolution is a clan and community which is driven by fair game play, honesty and the drive to do better in online gaming and communities. We were founded by a few dedicated members who saw that the majority of clans and communities are hierarchical driven. Meaning there is always a chain of command which each member must follow. With this in mind we sought out to get rid of this system and try for a more open approach. With every major decision being made by the greater community rather than a select few. Thus giving everyone an equal stand in the decision making, because after all it affects them as well.

Founded in Feb 2009.

The clan consists of male and female members, who are like minded in this effort and ages range from 16 to around the 40 mark.

We are always interested in new members, and people who are willing to contribute towards the community and what we have to offer. With that in mind if you have any questions regarding joining us please visit our forums and register your interest there.

Website : http://www.extremevolution.co.uk/

Creators and Leaders of LogicalRadio Gaming Community,

Johny, Demo and of course Miss Alpha :)

I take no credits for this community, its all The creators work and idea :)

Platoon feed

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