Team Ascension
Tag: [A] Web: Official website Fans: 39 Created: 2013-04-02

Platoon Presentation

Welcome to Team Ascension.


We stand by 5 key principals.
1. Friendship
2. Respect
3. Loyalty
4. Dedication
5. Teamwork

Requirements for all members......

Must have mic
No attitudes or egos
Communicate and work well with the team
Rep the "A" clan tag
Be active on Battlelog
Friend all members
Most importantly have fun

While we recognize that individual stats are important we also realize that it doesn't tell the whole story of someone's skill.

Even though we have a leadership structure we value each members opinion.

The role of a leader is not to boss people around, or act like they are better than anyone else.

Leaders are simply here to answer any questions, help resolve issues teammates may have, and gain feedback from all members on key decisions made within the platoon.


Attitudes or disrespectful behavior toward any team members will NOT be tolerated. Our reputation means everything so we hold ALL members to a higher standard. If a problem arrives with another teammate or member of a different platoon please reach out to a leader.

Failure to do so can and will result in immediate removal from the platoon.

We understand everyone has a life outside of Xbox, so if you are going to be inactive for a short period of time (1-2 weeks) please inform a leader.


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