QxD Memorial
Tag: [QxD] Web: Official website Fans: 44 Created: 2013-04-10

Platoon Presentation

In memories to Quantic Devastation and all the good times we had back then. Still running strong as devastatio/\/

~120 wins in Conquest for BF3 between QxD/dN. Most active, successful, and winning CQ team overall.

Pre-FN: ~40 win in Conquest, Most of any Team:
FN Season 1: Undefeated Champs (17-0)
FN Season 2: 2nd Place Ladder - Playoff Semi-finalist
FN Season 3: 2nd Place Ladder - Playoff Semi-finalist
FN Season 4: 1st Place Ladder (16-0) - Playoff Semi-finalist
12v12 Battle Bowl, FraggedNation vs UrgentFury: Champions

Anything Else?

Members: Adverted, Alex, Battalion, bigdaddylev, Blackout, Brigade, CrossXFades, DanielGunz, DarkFire, dfa_korrupted, Drunk, FroMastaFlex, Invinsible-_-, Ivan, gt7570b, habu_ninja, Helm, hindson, HQ_Extreme_Coder, Ion, IronMonkey, Jimunk, JsX-Instinct, karasu, Lenny, MadMike, mapuo999, mickeloof, mickeymoose, mootsiy, NaZtYRiCaN, NBK-illusionit, Over_Boosted, Pilioka, Rambo, Serenity, TankRuner, TshMsh, V1nkku, VuRziFieD, xRackse, west

Platoon feed

  • Dauntless__vK wrote on the wall for QxD Memorial:
    it might be 2021, it might be 2am and i might have had a few, but mickeloof destroying that one guy-in-a-suit on twitch and making him lose his mind is still one of my favorite bf3 memories petition for micke to unprivate his YT START