Platoon Presentation
Laws of fC4L
Membership Act March 10 2013 (Google translated April 24 2013)
Chapter 1 Introductory Provisions 1
Chapter 2 Handling Practices toward members of C4L and fC4L 1
Chapter 3 Vehicles 3
Chapter 4 Penalties and sanctions 4
Chapter 1 Introductory provisions
§ 1 The substantive scope
The Act applies to people who are official members of the group Cazzins for Life (C4L) and considered a cazzin.
The Act applies to anyone who is a friend of the group C4L, and thus goes by the name of Friend of Cazzins for Life (fC4L)
§ 2 Definitions
People who are regarded as official members of the group C4L:
a) Alexander, Jørgen and Kim
b) people considered cousin (as long as they do not bring shame on the family)
c) any soul mate wanting membership and gets this approved by the group attorneys.
The people who are regarded as fC4L are people who play or have any sort of social connection with any official member of C4L as long as none of the attorneys have a problem with this.
The attorneys in the group C4L are Alexander, Jørgen and Kim.
§ 3 the Act applies to Svalbard
The Act applies to Svalbard. The King may by regulations provide that certain provisions of the Act shall not apply, and may lay down special rules for Svalbard taking into account the local conditions.
Chapter 2 Action Practices to members of C4L and fC4L
§ 4 Unreasonable action practice
Unreasonable action practices are prohibited.
An action practice is unfair if it is contrary to good manners against friends and members of C4L and is likely to significantly alter the aforementioned friends and members behavior so that they make a decision they would not otherwise have made.
If any action practices are aimed towards a certain player, or if only a clearly identifiable group of players are particularly vulnerable because of mental or physical weakness, age or credulity and the player should have understood this, the practice's absurdity shall be evaluated from the current groups perspective. The protection of vulnerable groups does not affect the common and legitimate practice of making exaggerated actions that are not meant to be taken literally.
An action practice is always unfair if it is deceptive under § 5 and § 6, or aggressive under § 7
Management determines by regulation the forms of action practice that under any circumstances will be conisdered as unreasonable.
§ 5 Misleading actions
An action practice is misleading if it contains false information and is therefore untruthful or otherwise misleads the participant with consideration to one or more of the following elements:
existence or performance art,
a) the performance availability, benefits, risks, quantity, specifications, when performance is delivered, how it is delivered, used or fit for purpose, results expected when using and complaints.
b) the extent of the player's commitment, the motives for action practice, statement or symbol in relation to direct or indirect sponsorship or approval by the player or the performance.
c) the need for service, parts, replacement or repairs.
d) the player's abilities and rights, the right to replacement, refund or risk the player may be exposed to.
e) the player's commitment to follow the game's standards.
f) The practice is considered as misleading if it is likely to influence the players to make a decision that they would not otherwise meet.
§ 6 Misleading omissions
An action practice is misleading if, in its specific context and overall rating, omits or hides material or information that players need to make an informed game decision or presenting information in an unclear, unintelligible, ambiguous or untimely manner. In assessing whether information has been omitted, shall be taken into consideration space or temporal constraints of the situation one is in during the dissemination execution.
The practice is nevertheless just as misleading if it is likely to influence partners to make a decision that they would not otherwise have taken.
§ 7 Aggressive action practice
An action practice is aggressive if, in its specific context and overall rating, by harassment, coercion, including the use of physical force, or undue influence is likely to significantly limit the mental freedom of choice or conduct in connection with the performance. With undue influence means exploiting a position of power in relation to the participant to apply pressure, even without using or threatening to use physical force, in a way that significantly reduces the mental capacity to make an informed decision.
In assessing whether action practices are aggressive, should be taken into account
a) the time, place, nature and duration,
b) the use of threatening or inappropriate language or behavior,
c) the player's use of a specific adverse event or circumstance that is so severe that it can impair teammates' judgement, which the player is aware of, to influence the participants' decision.
The practice is nevertheless just as misleading if it is likely to influence partners to make a decision that they would not otherwise have taken.
Chapter 3 Vehicle
§ 8 Use of vehicles
The vehicle must not be used without it being registered and applied legal variables and its issued documents. Registration documents should always be available during the use of vehicles.
Owner of a vehicle is required to ensure that the user of the vehicle meets the conditions to finish it.
§ 9 Vehicle Control
Owner of the vehicle shall ensure that the vehicle is presented for inspection when DICE or regional roads department requires it. He is also obliged to provide the information about the vehicle as required.
§ 10 General duties
No person may cause or attempt to operate a vehicle when he is in such a state that he is not fit to drive safely, whether this is due to that he is affected by alcohol or other intoxicating or narcotic substance, or that he is ill, weakened, tired or weary, or due to other reasons.
Chapter 4 Penalties and sanctions
§ 11 General penalty provisions
Whoever willfully or negligently violates the provisions laid down in or pursuant of this Act shall be liable to team kill, bad luck, skidloader service or teabagging.
The board may by regulation impose another form of punishment, if found necessary.
Membership Act March 10 2013 (Google translated April 24 2013)
Chapter 1 Introductory Provisions 1
Chapter 2 Handling Practices toward members of C4L and fC4L 1
Chapter 3 Vehicles 3
Chapter 4 Penalties and sanctions 4
Chapter 1 Introductory provisions
§ 1 The substantive scope
The Act applies to people who are official members of the group Cazzins for Life (C4L) and considered a cazzin.
The Act applies to anyone who is a friend of the group C4L, and thus goes by the name of Friend of Cazzins for Life (fC4L)
§ 2 Definitions
People who are regarded as official members of the group C4L:
a) Alexander, Jørgen and Kim
b) people considered cousin (as long as they do not bring shame on the family)
c) any soul mate wanting membership and gets this approved by the group attorneys.
The people who are regarded as fC4L are people who play or have any sort of social connection with any official member of C4L as long as none of the attorneys have a problem with this.
The attorneys in the group C4L are Alexander, Jørgen and Kim.
§ 3 the Act applies to Svalbard
The Act applies to Svalbard. The King may by regulations provide that certain provisions of the Act shall not apply, and may lay down special rules for Svalbard taking into account the local conditions.
Chapter 2 Action Practices to members of C4L and fC4L
§ 4 Unreasonable action practice
Unreasonable action practices are prohibited.
An action practice is unfair if it is contrary to good manners against friends and members of C4L and is likely to significantly alter the aforementioned friends and members behavior so that they make a decision they would not otherwise have made.
If any action practices are aimed towards a certain player, or if only a clearly identifiable group of players are particularly vulnerable because of mental or physical weakness, age or credulity and the player should have understood this, the practice's absurdity shall be evaluated from the current groups perspective. The protection of vulnerable groups does not affect the common and legitimate practice of making exaggerated actions that are not meant to be taken literally.
An action practice is always unfair if it is deceptive under § 5 and § 6, or aggressive under § 7
Management determines by regulation the forms of action practice that under any circumstances will be conisdered as unreasonable.
§ 5 Misleading actions
An action practice is misleading if it contains false information and is therefore untruthful or otherwise misleads the participant with consideration to one or more of the following elements:
existence or performance art,
a) the performance availability, benefits, risks, quantity, specifications, when performance is delivered, how it is delivered, used or fit for purpose, results expected when using and complaints.
b) the extent of the player's commitment, the motives for action practice, statement or symbol in relation to direct or indirect sponsorship or approval by the player or the performance.
c) the need for service, parts, replacement or repairs.
d) the player's abilities and rights, the right to replacement, refund or risk the player may be exposed to.
e) the player's commitment to follow the game's standards.
f) The practice is considered as misleading if it is likely to influence the players to make a decision that they would not otherwise meet.
§ 6 Misleading omissions
An action practice is misleading if, in its specific context and overall rating, omits or hides material or information that players need to make an informed game decision or presenting information in an unclear, unintelligible, ambiguous or untimely manner. In assessing whether information has been omitted, shall be taken into consideration space or temporal constraints of the situation one is in during the dissemination execution.
The practice is nevertheless just as misleading if it is likely to influence partners to make a decision that they would not otherwise have taken.
§ 7 Aggressive action practice
An action practice is aggressive if, in its specific context and overall rating, by harassment, coercion, including the use of physical force, or undue influence is likely to significantly limit the mental freedom of choice or conduct in connection with the performance. With undue influence means exploiting a position of power in relation to the participant to apply pressure, even without using or threatening to use physical force, in a way that significantly reduces the mental capacity to make an informed decision.
In assessing whether action practices are aggressive, should be taken into account
a) the time, place, nature and duration,
b) the use of threatening or inappropriate language or behavior,
c) the player's use of a specific adverse event or circumstance that is so severe that it can impair teammates' judgement, which the player is aware of, to influence the participants' decision.
The practice is nevertheless just as misleading if it is likely to influence partners to make a decision that they would not otherwise have taken.
Chapter 3 Vehicle
§ 8 Use of vehicles
The vehicle must not be used without it being registered and applied legal variables and its issued documents. Registration documents should always be available during the use of vehicles.
Owner of a vehicle is required to ensure that the user of the vehicle meets the conditions to finish it.
§ 9 Vehicle Control
Owner of the vehicle shall ensure that the vehicle is presented for inspection when DICE or regional roads department requires it. He is also obliged to provide the information about the vehicle as required.
§ 10 General duties
No person may cause or attempt to operate a vehicle when he is in such a state that he is not fit to drive safely, whether this is due to that he is affected by alcohol or other intoxicating or narcotic substance, or that he is ill, weakened, tired or weary, or due to other reasons.
Chapter 4 Penalties and sanctions
§ 11 General penalty provisions
Whoever willfully or negligently violates the provisions laid down in or pursuant of this Act shall be liable to team kill, bad luck, skidloader service or teabagging.
The board may by regulation impose another form of punishment, if found necessary.
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