Guns For Everyone
Tag: [GFE] Web: Official website Fans: 3 Created: 2013-05-01

Platoon Presentation

We are a new radical platoon/political party that is growing in strength day by day.

Our major policies:

1- People dont kill people, guns kill people.
2- Guns solve problems quicker than words.
3- Hippies are a plague that need to be eradicated.
4- The education system needs to be overhauled and replaced with gun manufacturing and handling classes.
5- All new members must swear an oath on the "bloody code"
6- the "bloody code" shall never be spoken of in public or privately.
7- More ammunition depots = more jobs which = less unemployment.

Please feel free to join our cause and get this world heading in the right direction.



======================================Head of Security============================

======================================Media consultant===========================

======================================Public Relations===========================

======================================Head of Research==========================


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