Benelux Death Squad
Tag: [BDS] Fans: 5 Created: 2013-05-17

Platoon Presentation

╔═══════════════ » Welkom on the platoon page of Benelux Death Squad « ══════════════╗

Our platoon is created to play with one group of like-minded people who like to have fun, practice teamplay and let themself be heard in public matches.

╠═══════════════════════╣ Goals of Benelux Death Squad ╠═════════════════════╣

We are a very sociabel platoon, but sometimes we like to put our game-faces on. What we value in this platoon is respect, fun and a mature attitude when needed.

At Bnelux Death Squad it is not always about winning the match and dominating but also about the play with friends and other people you meet ingame.

If you are interested and if you want to join Benelux Death Squad. Please read the requirements for joining Benelux Death Squad below.


General requirements:
• 1.5 K/D or higher
• Be in the possesion of a headset
• Be able to play as a team
• Objective play
• Have a Belgium or Dutch nationality
(NOTE!: We do make exceptions, when it comes to other nationalities. So be sure to join us ingame sometimes so we can get to know you).

For questions about joining the platoon, you can contact Bjorn2900 or Jodel50

╠════════════════════════════╣Platoonserver ╠═══════════════════════════╣

Currently we do not own a server


Only fun matches.


Platoon feed

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