xBackpack Twitch Army
Tag: [BK] Web: Official website Fans: 3 Created: 2013-06-02

Platoon Presentation

PC Platoon: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/platoon/2832655241703674024/

XBOX Platoon: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/platoon/2832655241704204702/

Random Giveaways from Games to gaming Accessories

Giveaway winners:
-Xlostlegacy101X (Alan Wake)

Top Donations:
-DxHulk: $60.00
-Mrhenriksan: GTA Complete Collection
-thebadgerwi: BF3 Premium :D

Past Giveaway Winners:
xlostlegacy101x( Alan Wake)
windwalker_81 (Alan Wake)
DXHULK (Universe Sandbox)
Obtik(Dragon Siege Complte edition)
Deathsniper125( Batman Arkham City GOTY)

Future Giveways:
Steel Series Siberia V2.

Any Donations received are used to improve the stream and do more giveaways.

Platoon feed

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