[PW]Prestige WorldWide
Tag: [PW] Fans: 1 Created: 2013-06-03

Platoon Presentation

This clan is for soldiers looking to be better leaders and combat players. We do have a rank system set up so with that said you will have to listen to your higher ranks. This is our rank system.
General- owner(s) of the clan- clan tag [PWGN]
Colonel-officers of the clan-clan tag [PWCL]
Captain-senior members-clan tag [PWCP]
Lieutenant-future leaders-clan tag [PWLT]
Sergeant- fearless soldiers-clan tag [PWSG]
Private-new clan members-clan tag [PWPV]
if you want to join the clan message CaliforniaG916
and if you feel your ready for a higher rank also message me
also if you have a mic don't be afraid to speak
Prestige killers WorldWide!!

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