Middle East Clans
Platoon Presentation
This platoon is for Clans Founders/Leaders of the Middle East and North Africa Clans in BF3/BF4.
We made this platoon, to make it easy for Clans from Middle East and North Africa to communicate with eash other and make (PCW/CW) Practice Clan Wars or Clan Wars.
And also present the Middle East and North Africa Clans for everyone.
You can see all the clans in this page:
Clans we know so far:
1- [EEF] Egypt Elite Force - EGYPT (EnergizedKiller/MaxVan)
2- [EGVT] Egyptian Veterans - EGYPT (EGY-ZOMBIE)
3- [SAF] SpecialArabForce - KSA (GBL-10-TOTTI)
4- [SF] Special Forces - KSA (iABu-YouSeF)
5- [CS] Crazy Skillz - MIX (Amer_Dubai)
6- [G4] Gulf Army - KSA **Broken**
7- [ACE] ACE SQUAD - KSA (iRoyalLsS)
8- [SS] Shadow Strikers - KSA (SA-Gold_Knight)
9- [TB] Toxic Bullet - KSA (THUNDER_SA)
10- [BOSS] Bullets Of Super Speed - MIX **Broken**
11- [Hawk] HawK - KSA (BraveHawkHero)
12- [1mA] One Man Army - MIX **Broken**
13- [TBz] Tie Breakerz - IRAQ **Broken**
14- [GS] Golden Squad Clan - IRAQ (AtHeEr_JuBa/mrn0oo0b)
15- [TS] [₮]eam[₴]trike - IRAQ
17- [GS] Gulf Shield - UAE (
18- [EPIC] Elite Players In Combat - SYRIA **Broken**
19- [BL] Burst Limits - ALGERIA (-2mS-DzHunter)
20- [EGPT] Egyptian Commandos - EGYPT (khaled72-XXX)
21- [G] Guardians - MIX (bits_bytes)
22- [IQWR] Iraqi Warfighters - IRAQ **Broken**
23- [MGU] Team Morocco - MOROCCO (FwixGamer)
24- [PEAL] Peace Allies - PALESTINE (ahmed_r_safi)
25- [GP] GamerPath - KSA **Just a group**
26- [WM] WithOut Mercy - IRAQ (ahmed_r_safi)
27- [RpG] Respect pro Gamers - KSA **BF4 ACTIVE** (AZ-RFaElloO)
28- [NR] Night Rangers - IRAQ (XxXkArrArXxX- GENERAL-BESooo)
29- [IWF] Iraqi WarFare - IRAQ (-IWF-Montes)
30- [S.W.A.T] S.W.A.T - IRAQ (KOBRA-IRAQ/Capt-Harith)
31- [IDT] Iraq Dalta Team - IRAQ (M_Black_Ghost_M/V1oS-IraQ)
You can find find them via the platoon search tool. If you have a clan and want to register it, Apply to join this platoon and present your clan in the feed.
Thanks everyone.
We made this platoon, to make it easy for Clans from Middle East and North Africa to communicate with eash other and make (PCW/CW) Practice Clan Wars or Clan Wars.
And also present the Middle East and North Africa Clans for everyone.
You can see all the clans in this page:
Clans we know so far:
1- [EEF] Egypt Elite Force - EGYPT (EnergizedKiller/MaxVan)
2- [EGVT] Egyptian Veterans - EGYPT (EGY-ZOMBIE)
3- [SAF] SpecialArabForce - KSA (GBL-10-TOTTI)
4- [SF] Special Forces - KSA (iABu-YouSeF)
5- [CS] Crazy Skillz - MIX (Amer_Dubai)
6- [G4] Gulf Army - KSA **Broken**
7- [ACE] ACE SQUAD - KSA (iRoyalLsS)
8- [SS] Shadow Strikers - KSA (SA-Gold_Knight)
9- [TB] Toxic Bullet - KSA (THUNDER_SA)
10- [BOSS] Bullets Of Super Speed - MIX **Broken**
11- [Hawk] HawK - KSA (BraveHawkHero)
12- [1mA] One Man Army - MIX **Broken**
13- [TBz] Tie Breakerz - IRAQ **Broken**
14- [GS] Golden Squad Clan - IRAQ (AtHeEr_JuBa/mrn0oo0b)
15- [TS] [₮]eam[₴]trike - IRAQ
17- [GS] Gulf Shield - UAE (
18- [EPIC] Elite Players In Combat - SYRIA **Broken**
19- [BL] Burst Limits - ALGERIA (-2mS-DzHunter)
20- [EGPT] Egyptian Commandos - EGYPT (khaled72-XXX)
21- [G] Guardians - MIX (bits_bytes)
22- [IQWR] Iraqi Warfighters - IRAQ **Broken**
23- [MGU] Team Morocco - MOROCCO (FwixGamer)
24- [PEAL] Peace Allies - PALESTINE (ahmed_r_safi)
25- [GP] GamerPath - KSA **Just a group**
26- [WM] WithOut Mercy - IRAQ (ahmed_r_safi)
27- [RpG] Respect pro Gamers - KSA **BF4 ACTIVE** (AZ-RFaElloO)
28- [NR] Night Rangers - IRAQ (XxXkArrArXxX- GENERAL-BESooo)
29- [IWF] Iraqi WarFare - IRAQ (-IWF-Montes)
30- [S.W.A.T] S.W.A.T - IRAQ (KOBRA-IRAQ/Capt-Harith)
31- [IDT] Iraq Dalta Team - IRAQ (M_Black_Ghost_M/V1oS-IraQ)
You can find find them via the platoon search tool. If you have a clan and want to register it, Apply to join this platoon and present your clan in the feed.
Thanks everyone.
Platoon feed
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