Team Velocity
Platoon Presentation
Competitive Squad Rush and Ziba Tower Gamemodes.
Want to batlle or join send a message to CQBCAMERON/stormborni on Battlelog or Expert Medic/ The Glock Block on Xbox live.
Record: (2-0)
Vs. AFEUR 3-2 (Win)
Vs. AoF 5-0 (Win)
Vs. RoG 0-0 (Forfeit- Win)
Vs. The first kids who were talking trash 5-0 (Win)
Vs. The second kids who were talking trash 1-0 (Win)
Want to batlle or join send a message to CQBCAMERON/stormborni on Battlelog or Expert Medic/ The Glock Block on Xbox live.
Record: (2-0)
Vs. AFEUR 3-2 (Win)
Vs. AoF 5-0 (Win)
Vs. RoG 0-0 (Forfeit- Win)
Vs. The first kids who were talking trash 5-0 (Win)
Vs. The second kids who were talking trash 1-0 (Win)
Platoon feed
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