Tag: [SEAL] Fans: 1 Created: 2013-07-31

Platoon Presentation

10pm est ever body who wants to play join my server then who wants to be taliban will be russian and seals will be the marins that it for seal weopons how about seal team 6 team loadout for the game all suppress m4s with holo and fore grip(optional) secondary m9 suppressed
and none of the gadgets of the will be used and 1 support and 1 recon will be on the team recons loadout will be m39 bipod,8x scope and suppressed secondary m9 suppressed mav and spawn beacons for support m60e4 3.4 Canadian scope bipod and extra mags and c4 ,ammo and for talibans rpk,ak,aek,ak47 su,sks,svd,rpg,pkp,type 88 also seal team six can use m416 suppressed,holo or acog,grip optional

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