Predator Clan
Tag: [PC] Web: Official website Fans: 8 Created: 2013-08-07

Platoon Presentation

Starting a New Platoon in anticipation for BF4. We are going to be a small, close group of players that have skill but also know how to have fun.

Currently looking for leaders as well as players. Looking to fill roster initially to 20 players with a max goal of 35. Maybe eventually get more, but baby steps first.

***Most Important***
We are looking for dedication and loyalty. We are not looking for fly-by-nighters or Clan Hoppers. If you give us the chance, guarantee you will have the most fun you have ever had with a platoon.

******Basic rules*******

1. Mature gamers only.
2. Working Mic and have teamspeak downloaded
(We have our own teamspeak)
3. No Attitudes or disrespectful behavior.
(Zero Tolerance for racist, sexist, or homophobic behavior)
4. Communication
5. Have fun
6. MUST NOT be in an other clan/platoon
7. Rep the PC clan tags proudly
8. Must play more often than not...We shouldnt forget who you are due to your lack of playing..We want things close knit so everyone can develop a feel for everyone's playing style
*****more rules to follow********


Yes we are competitive, meaning we like to win, however we are using the last few remaining months on BF3 to grow as a team. There will be no comp or scrims matches right away. Once BF4 comes out we may/will start scrimmaging or doing comp tourneys, however it will not be mandatory for all members to participate.

We treat scrims as a fun way to test skill. Unless we are getting paid mad money we only take it serious to a point.


Leadership structure is as follows.
3. Members

Co-founder- Rampage
Co-founder- Lethal.

Co-founders have final say on all issues regarding the clan.

Leaders: tbd

Leadership is here to help in anyway whether it be answering questions, asking for help, or resolving any disputes between members.

Leaders should in no way act better than any teammate, nor boss people around. You will be given a warning, then removed from leadership roles.

Leader will be promoted to those that show the most dedication and are willing to go beyond what is asked for them. Leadership can also be taken away if person shows abuse of power, or is just lazy.

Leaders May introduce new rules to the clan as well as promote other members IF majority of leaders agree. Once it passes majority vote, leaders must inform co-founders for final approval.

We will have a weekly meeting on TS in order to give any info while opening the floor to all members to share ideas or express concerns.



Here are the steps to becoming a member to the platoon.

1. Apply for Platoon on battlelog.
2. Add all leaders as friends
3. Once a leader contacts you, your trial period begins and you must change tags to PCr. Failure to change tags within 24hrs may count against you.
4. You will be evaluated from anywhere to 1 day to a week, so show us you want to be in the platoon. Join TS and games, also post messages. We are not hear to hold your hand.
5. If you pass evaluation, your app will be approved and you can change your tags to PC.

any questions talk to Lethal, or RAMPAGE.

Website up but still under construction. Please register anyways

All members and friends of the Platoon please bump this recruitment thread when you can.

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