Tactical Ops. [TOP]
Tag: [TOP] Fans: 12 Created: 2011-10-24

Platoon Presentation

Welcome to Tactical Ops.

This is not a clan for crazy fanatics. We won't ask you to shave your eyebrows or go through a rigorous training regime in order to be accepted. We do however pride ourselves on solid hardcore mode-based team work, mutual respect and having a damn good time.

As such we are a free for all group that exercise an emphasis on coordinated team work during games.

If you would like to be a part of our group, here are some of the guidelines you will need to subscribe to:

1. Whenever possible, move in tactical formation, making sure to always cover your squad mate in front of you. You can do this by moving in an echelon or "V" formation.

2. Whenever possible report in via mic, by notifying your squad members if you make a strategically important change in your whereabouts. ie: As a defender in Rush, tell your teammates you are leaving the MCOM station to get ammo for a few minutes, leaving it open to attack.

3. Maximize your squad's situational awareness at all times whenever possible in order to keep your teammates pertinently updated and ready to react to changing situations or threats.

4. Whenever possible, report enemy movement via mic using the cardinal directions for orientation, N,E,S and W. eg:

- "Enemy sniper spotted moving from North to NE towards the big tree by the lake."

- "Enemy movement spotted to the South."

- "Multiple contacts in the red tunnel."

- "I'm taking fire, i need backup by the MCOM."

- "Taking fire from the South, position unknown."

- "I need cover, ammo, help, health." etc.

5. Always avoid friendly fire. Do not shoot through teammates in order to frag a kill. Selfish and lone wolf tactics that do not lead to the direct support of a common team goal will be frowned upon.

6. Always. Absolutely always, without exception, perform your class specific duties. If you are a medic, make sure anyone in need of medical attention is attended to, preferably before they request it. And if they do request it, do whatever you can to support your teammate. Supply ammo, Provide recon intel. Lay down suppressing/covering fire to help your teammates advance through open areas such as tunnels, streets and other zones requiring the covering assistance of the heavy gunner.

7. Work together to perform feats of tactical dexterity using combinations such as; C4 + EOD BOT, C4 + MAV, Medkit + EOD BOT etc. Be creative and use teamwork to outsmart and overpower your opponents.

8. Do not commandeer multi-personnel vehicles individually, leaving your teammates and squad members to jog back into the battle. In doing this you disrupt the constant flow of battle pressure provided by a steady supply of fresh reinforcements. Be mature, think smart and play smart.

9. Racism, Sexism or forms of any other malicious abuse, verbal or otherwise will not be tolerated and members demonstrating such despicable qualities will be immediately removed from Tactical Ops.

10. Get a microphone if you don't have one. It is essential to the promotion of accurate and rapid communication in the heat of battle. Above all. Have fun. Play hard! Kill plenty! Be smart and always take care of your squad and team members!

If you can appreciate these simple guidelines, then you are more than welcome to join Tactical Ops.

Peace and Love!
iNFiNiTi, Founder & Admin.

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