The <TNT> Gaming Clan
Platoon Presentation
We are a mature clan that is currently accepting new members.
We play together every evening, during some days and every weekend.
Our BF3 servers are up and running.
Come in, chat or play and have some good times.
If your looking to join please go to www.theTNTclan.com and create a thread regarding your intent to join.
(Please keep in mind that joining the platoon does not automatically grant you membership to the clan.)
Please join us in TS (Info Below):
TeamSpeak 3 settings
Address: ts31.gameservers.com
Port: 9132
Login : (Your In game name)
Guest Password: TNT
We play together every evening, during some days and every weekend.
Our BF3 servers are up and running.
Come in, chat or play and have some good times.
If your looking to join please go to www.theTNTclan.com and create a thread regarding your intent to join.
(Please keep in mind that joining the platoon does not automatically grant you membership to the clan.)
Please join us in TS (Info Below):
TeamSpeak 3 settings
Address: ts31.gameservers.com
Port: 9132
Login : (Your In game name)
Guest Password: TNT
Platoon feed
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