507th.org - Public Grp
Tag: [507] Web: Official website Fans: 83 Created: 2011-10-24

Platoon Presentation

About the 507th

7 years ago, in 2005, the 507th was formed... We've been rock solid, and growing ever since. We are always recruiting mature people. We pursue good people, not great players. We have a broad range of players, but personality is much, much more important to us, than skill.

Clean Language

The 507th is a clean language group. No Swearing is allowed. Yes, we know the game swears like a trucker, no YOU can't. Yes, we do know the game is rated "Mature".

If you can't get over the clean language rule, read no further. The web is full of people and games to play, we think it's important to find a place where you feel you fit in. If you like to be crass, rude and vulgar there are servers out there that fit your style, but the 507th isn't a good fit for you. We don't force people to play on our server, please don't force foul language on us.

**We are ALWAYS Recruiting**

If you are interested in joining, please head to our forums, and click the Join button at the
top of the page.

Voice Communication
We have a Ventrilo Voice server available. Check http://voice.507th.org or our forums for more info.

We focus on fair play and respect for ALL players.

If you have a problem with an admin's decisions or actions, send a private message to Rocki and/or Bulwinkl.

* Cheaters are banned. Period.
* We do extra steps to detect bans, and share ban lists, with other servers.
* If you've got a legitimate concern that someone is cheating, bring it PRIVATELY to an admin.
* Don't accuse someone of cheating without proof. We don't allow those sorts of comments.
* No Cheating, hacks, statistic manipulation (stat padding) or otherwise.
* Cheating will result in an immediate, permanent ban.
* No inappropriate names, or comments, including but not limited to political, sexual,
racial, ethnic, offensive, etc.
* Disrespectful, disruptive or annoying behavior will result in being kicked/ banned.
* No illegal activity. This includes referencing Warez, serial number, illegal drugs, underage drinking etc.
* Recruiting is not allowed on our server. This includes posting links.

Homepage and Forums
Check out our forums, the link to our "Official Homepage" under the title at the top of this page. (www.507th.org)

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