All For One
Platoon Presentation
A4-1 has been gaming together since the early days of BF1942.
If you want to play with an organized team and see positive results from quality squad work, come try us out.
If you are requesting to join A4-1, you must come on our Teamspeak server and apply in person.
If you do not, your request will be denied.
Teamspeak and a headset are a required. Sorry, must 18 or older.
Teamspeak 3 server:
BF3 Ranked Server: A4-1 Rape 'N Gape
BF3 Unranked Server: A4-1 Rape 'N Gape
If you want to play with an organized team and see positive results from quality squad work, come try us out.
If you are requesting to join A4-1, you must come on our Teamspeak server and apply in person.
If you do not, your request will be denied.
Teamspeak and a headset are a required. Sorry, must 18 or older.
Teamspeak 3 server:
BF3 Ranked Server: A4-1 Rape 'N Gape
BF3 Unranked Server: A4-1 Rape 'N Gape
Platoon feed
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