Heart of Darkness
Tag: [HoD] Fans: 3 Created: 2011-10-25

Platoon Presentation

HoD started back in 2003 while playing Blackhawk Down originally consisting of 5 members:
HR(Human Resources), Bulldog, Fuel, Grizzly, & Mav; The last 2 remain today. HR borrowed the title from Joseph
Conrad's famous book, "Heart of Darkness". We liked it, and it stuck.

Today HoD is home to 8 members: Mezinov who we picked up in Planetside and has proved himself both loyal
and skillful in the field of battle. Mav, a top notch player who is unmatched in close quarters; Jimbo - when you
see his flash, it's already too late; Grizzly, fearlessly running into your line of fire; G.I.Jane - you'd be surprised, girls
can fight too; Kyless, mean and reckless; SnakeEyes, his name exceeds his reputation; and Ventu, tactical and
supportive. Only a few play Battlefield 3, but all remain in the family.

If you'd like to challenge us to a scrimmage or a competitive platoon match, leave us a message and we'll try to
set something up.

Thanks, and we'll see you in our crosshairs!

- Heart of Darkness

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