Tag: [V] Web: Official website Fans: 20 Created: 2011-10-25

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TR4V3STY Gaming Community was formed on July 3rd 2008. A fitting day since then we like the rest of our great nation could celebrate our freedom from our oppressors on July 4th. Oppressors you may ask? Let me elaborate just a little bit.

The members here almost all met while a member of another gaming community which will go unnamed. At first it was exactly what we had all been looking for, a community of mature, like minded gamers where we could play online and avoid some of the people who frankly should never be allowed to own a mic and speak online. May seem a bit harsh but i am sure you have all had your experiences with this type of player.

After some time in this other community it started to become clear that the direction it was headed was not really one that we were comfortable with. They had very strict policies on just about everything which is why we were first attracted to it. It kept everyone in the community in check and accountable for their actions. But over time certain people were given power that just took this structured environment and turned it into their own personal power trip. And at this point we all started to tire of our current community.

Not being able to hash out the problems with the higher up's at this community we decided that it would be in our best interest to just agree to disagree and move on. And what better way than to form your own gaming community where YOU can decide how things should be handled.

A place where you are free to speak your mind, a place where we listen to our members and do our very best to solve any problems or issues that may come up. TR4V3STY has always had a "friends first" type of policy for it's members. This is why we have succeeded where so many other gaming communities and clans have failed. Most clans recruit people solely based on their skill on certain games so that they can feel good about themselves while trying to prove their superiority against the average gamers.

TR4V3STY on the other hand decided to go another route. We wanted to play games with like minded people. People we could form a bond with and call our friends. This way we knew that no matter what was going on there were always people there who had our back. And people we could play games online with and just have fun, which is what we think gaming should be all about.

Thank You
TR4V3STY Gaming Community

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