TG Irregulars
Tag: [TGIR] Web: Official website Fans: 32 Created: 2011-10-25

Platoon Presentation

The Irregulars:

Mission Statement:
To provide a home for |TG| players across a range of games who cannot commit to a regular squad for whatever reason. Open to all TG forum members, our strength shall come from a joint and pooled effort. We will strive to ease the transition of inductees from an external to an internal mindset through training, fighting together as a team, and mutual support. It is hoped we will be looked towards to provide a pool of potential recruits for the other in-house squads as well as a place to form new in-house squads. Above all, the Irregulars will fight together when the opportunity arises and strive to be victorious, while having and achieving all above aims and goals. It is for those who would like a TG home-unit yet are not eligible, suitable, or interested in joining an in-house squad.

Our core membership consists of:
Non-supporting members that are looking for consistent teammates and tactics.
SM's looking for consistent teammates and tactics, but that can't make the full time commitment (practices, scrims, etc.) required by in-house squads.
SM's contributing TG experience and tactics to help teach newer members.
The Irregulars game in the Battlefield and ArmA series of titles, including the various mods that are supported by TG.

Officers and Platoons
Commanding Officer: The Peguineer

BF2PR Platoon - Lt. Nixon
BFBC2 Platoon - Lt. Belander
BF3 Platoon - Lt. Besiege & Lt. Belander
ArmA Platoon - Lt. Jack Bauer

Generally, the Irregulars are always recruiting. Recruits are asked to indicate their game of preference. The member will then be assigned a Platoon based on their answer. Platoons also have small variations in recruitment policy. Though members are free to play whatever game they wish, they will be expected to be actively involved in the platoon for the game they indicated as their preference. Click here to view the recruitment thread.

Code of Conduct
All Irregulars are expected to have read and understand the Tactical Gamer Primer and their respective game SOPs and Server Rules before official enlistment. As a member of |TG| and the Irregulars, members are expected to uphold a high standard of conduct and maturity. In addition to the guidelines laid out in the Primer, Irregulars members must abide by the following Codes of Conduct:

We are Tactical Gamers first, and Irregulars second. We will try and spread the TG way of playing as much as possible. This is our main goal.
We will strive to play fair, lead by example, use good communication and be active members in the community.
Irregulars are required to form Irregular squads in game.
We will make new members in |TG-Irr| squads feel welcome. (TGIR for BF3)
We will not lock |TG-Irr| squads in games that allow squad locking (ONLY exception is identified Irregulars Squad nights)
We will not kick non |TG-Irr| players from |TG-Irr| squads (ONLY exception is identified Irregulars Squad nights)

Failure to uphold this level of conduct is grounds for discharge from the Irregulars membership. Immaturity and poor conduct will not be tolerated.

Moving up in Rank
Generally, Irregulars that reliably demonstrate behavior consistent with our Mission Statement, and are active participants as such, may be considered for promotion. To summarize key elements of the Irregulars Mission:

easing the transition of inductees from an external (non-TG) to an internal ("the TG Way") mindset
training and fighting together as a team
providing mutual support
contributing experience and tactics to help teach newer members
positive contributions to TG Forum discussions
a demonstrated teamplay ethic and dedication to good sportsmanship

Specific behaviors demonstrating the spirit of our mission could include, but are not limited to:

participating in multiple practices
organizing a practice or event
welcoming new members to TG and to the Irregulars
volunteering for (and completing) service projects within the Irregulars or TG
offering assistance in the forums, especially to new TGers
participating in TG scrims
offering encouragement and assistance to players new to TG in-game through text or VOIP
stepping up as SL or CO when slots are available
earning a TG service ribbon (not a campaign ribbon)
serving the community as a game admin

Platoon feed

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