The International Tour of Duty Clan was formed way back in 2004.
Our ideology was, and is, still based around maturity and fun. We originally started as a clan by playing Battlefield
Anyone who can remember that game would remember how it revolutionised multiplayer gaming by taking it to
another level, with totally cool 60’s music booming out of the Huey.
The ToD Clan moved on to Battlefield 2 where, although we were primarily a fun war clan,
we still played clan wars regularly. During our stint with BF2 we played over 150 wars.
The old boys will tell how we only lost about 10 of these wars.
This figure was, and still indicates how good we were. We sent many a clan home with their tail between their legs.
From BF2, as a clan, we moved to Bad Company 2.
At first many people didn’t like the gameplay but soon became accustomed to it as well as highly skilled.
Most of our member reached the highest level.
Battlefield 3 is a very different game by the usual Battlefield standards and had taken graphics
and gameplay to a new and destructive level. Its early days yet but BF3 looks like it’s going to be the
game of the century with its sheer size, style and sizzling gameplay.