We got somethin for ya
Tag: [WGFY] Fans: 26 Created: 2011-10-27

Platoon Presentation

******WGFY SERVER******

Run Them Flat! , Wear them down and Capture.
Hold And Secure.

Strive to best at what your class is , put in 100%

"Grab Your Sox And Drop Your Cocks Ladies , This Is War"

This ain't MW3!!!

Battle is the most magnificent competition in which a human being can indulge. It brings out all that is best; it removes all that is base. All men are afraid in battle. The coward is the one who lets his fear overcome his sense of duty. Duty is the essence of manhood.
"George S. Patton"

WGFY Constitution

WGFY was formed to have fun with friends but to still play to win. I ask for everyone to respect each other while we play. We are here not to compete against each other but we are here to have fun and dominate the opponent. I also ask everyone to keep this battlelog strictly for gameplay only. We all have things that we have to deal with on a daily basis, and this clan is our way out. Everyone will be treated equally in the clan and no one should think that they are better than the other person. Everyone's opinion will be heard, I just ask that you present it to me and together as a clan we will discuss and I will be responsible in making a final decision.

We are always recruiting new members. If you think you know someone who would like to join, we will put them through a trial run to see how he or she meshes with clan. If you have skills to play and you mesh well with the clan, you will become a member. Like it says above, strive to be the best at what your class is and you will be successful with us.

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